On this course you will become familiar with your Auric field. The 7 main Auric layers are described in a basic manner. You will learn how to do an Auric clearing and also Chakra opening and Balancing techniques. there will be 3 wellness treatments in this Foundation level course. the treatments will be: Balancing the Yin and Yang aspects of the Ren and Du channels. Combing, waving and sweeping the Inner Auric fields. Complete body energetic detox.
    How would you love to make the shift that will heal your life and develop your innate abilities to help heal on all levels, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually…if this is your desire then…THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU! This course is different from Reiki. With energy healing there is no need for symbols and you understand that in order for the energy to help you heal, you need to resolve your challenges…those issues in your tissues. However, if you are a Reiki practitioner you will find a lot of great information here. Join me for this insightful 3-hour energy healing video course that will change your understanding of yourself and others. You will learn simple yet profound methods for your own self-healing.  The video is broken down into 12 sections so you can learn at your own pace. Here are the topics that will be covered to help you understand how to heal yourself: Introduction to Energy Healing There’s certainly nothing new about hands-on healing. It is an ancient method of revitalizing the energy fields of your own (or someone else’s) body. I’m going to start at the beginning and teach you each of the basic techniques in turn. We’ll create a solid foundation and then build from there. We’ll start with things you can do for your own healing, and if you are already an energy practitioner, I think you will find plenty of information here that will be useful as well. Video 1 - Who can benefit from Energy Healing? Gentle Energy Touch is good for everyone! Its goal is to discover the limitation causing a blockage, recognize its pattern and where it comes from, and then let it go. Video 2 - What is the Gentle Energy Touch Method? Gentle Energy Touch (GET) is a hands-on method that helps to create a feeling of inner peace. It shows you how to think of yourself as being lovable and grateful for what you already have. It enables you to explore and support your inner growth and spiritual development. Video 3 -   Learn about Gentle Energy Touch, Chi and Chakras Gentle Energy Touch works by unblocking the natural flow of vital energy through the body. This vital energy or ki (also called chi or qi) continually courses through all living things and supports life. The vehicles through which this energy flows are called chakras. Video 4 -   Understanding all Seven Major Chakras in Depth Since all healing depends on allowing the free flow of Chi by opening the chakras, we’re going to explore what they are and how they work. Let’s start with the word itself, which derives from the ancient Sanskrit term meaning “spinning wheel of energy.” Video 5 -   Learn about Your Aura Another word for energy field is aura. The dictionary defines aura in many ways, one of which is, “a distinctive atmosphere surrounding a person, such as an aura of sanctity.” Simply put, your aura is a multilayered energy field that surrounds your body and intermingles with the atmosphere of the earth and all other forms of life. Video 6 -   Learn how to feel the Energy you will be working with This exercise is done with the intention of activating the energy in the hands. Start by shaking both hands for fifteen seconds. Video 7 -   What you may Experience during your Self-Healing Treatments As you begin to practice the self-healing treatments, you may experience a “cleansing” period. The mind and body are being stimulated to release toxins, along with feelings and emotions that are no longer needed. Video 8 -    Learn the Steps you need for your Healing Session (Understanding the Importance of Closing, Balancing and Grounding after your session) Every session as you work on yourself has some essential elements. In my work, I have identified thirteen steps that make for a complete healing session.  I will explain each one but want to give you a whole picture first of what needs to be done. Video 9 -    Learn the Self-Healing Positions Complete self-healing positions with chakra information for each area of your body. Video 10 - Learn Energy Protection Techniques Now that you learned about your aura, chakras, and how to do energy healing on yourself…I have one more step for you to follow because I feel it is extremely important that we protect our energy and it is called energy protection. Video 11 - Conclusion I feel these are all the tools you need to help yourself heal on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level. As you enter into the world of energy healing, see within yourself that stable center, that perfect seed, the perfection, your potential. This course is packed with instructional materials Included in PDF format are Essential guidelines, self-healing positions and photos, energy protection techniques, affirmations, plus much more
      What if you could place your hands on your body and help yourself calm down, feel better, clear your mind? There is a millennia-old tradition of people using their own hands to alleviate mental, emotional, and bodily discomforts. We hold our wrist and we feel relaxed. When we are uncertain, we fold our arms in front of the body. These are not just personal quirks or cultural accidents - it is a genetic memory of long-forgotten knowledge on how we can help ourselves through our hands. In this class, I will introduce you to the principles of an ancient healing art that helps us release tension and boosts our innate healing abilities. It is powerful, it is versatile, it comes with no side effects or contraindications, it can be practiced together with any other modality including conventional medicine, and above else – it requires only our two hands and nothing else.
        Creating A Sacred Space is perfect for someone who wants to establish a devoted space at their home (indoor OR outdoor) for Self-Study practices and would like guidance on how to cultivate this space . This course will give voice to a world of potential in the realm of personal development, Self-exploration, spiritual expansion, and overall growth . Learn to maintain a lighthearted sense of play in Self-Study, in a way that gets you excited to show up for yourSelf + shine your Light. Come back into balance by giving yourSelf the space to do so. See you inside!! Britt Lynn
          Easily Tired or Fatigued? Foggy Head? Unmotivated? Looking to Create More Ease in your Daily Life? What if we could shift it without having to take any weird drugs, beginning a new diet and without having to try and motivate ourselves by doing more goal-setting exercises? What if we could shift it by just moving our attention and our activities to very specific times throughout the day and night? Welcome to the Ancient Chinese "Qi" Body Clock! The Chinese Qi Clock Will show you: What time is the best time to get up so you can "catch" the best energy Why meditation, yoga and Qi Gong is practised in the mornings The best time to have sex so you have the most amount of energy available and it feels more amazing! The best time to work and study The best time for exercise so you can lose weight faster and more easily When to have difficult conversations so they don't spiral out of emotional control Why watching the "news" in the evenings is one of the most unhealthy habits you can develop How to approach sleep in a way that nourishes your soul's mission This course will guide you through the 24hr daily cycle showing you how the life force energy, or "Qi", moves through our bodily and energetic systems. The aim is to move into alignment with this natural movement so that greater sources of energy, insight, intuition, grace and life wisdom can naturally and easily arise. "Those who flow as life flows, know they need no other force." ~ Lao Tzu This course will show you how to "tweak your lifestyle" so that you can become healthier &more energised so you can be at your best.
            4 hours 24 minutes Understanding Qigong 1: What is Qigong? / Understanding the Qi Circulatory System. Dr. Yang presents a clear and fascinating scientific explanation of his Qigong theory, and offers simple Qigong exercises for you to begin experiencing your Qi (energy). As millions of people worldwide are turning to Chinese medicine and healing practices such as Qigong and Tai Chi, it is important to understand what Qigong is and how it works . In this video course, renowned Qigong expert and author Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming explains the concepts of Qigong and the human energetic circulatory system . Dr. Yang's systematic approach to teaching offers deep insight into the subject of Qigong with modern scientific data to support his theory from both an Eastern and Western perspective. The Chinese word Qigong (sounds like "chee - gong") means Energy Work. The ancient Chinese art of Qigong involves using your mind to naturally develop the body's Qi (energy) for improved health and longevity. Some Qigong is practiced sitting or standing still, while other Qigong can be a kind of moving meditation. Drawing on his years of training in Qigong and his Western scientific background in Physics and Mechanical Engineering, Dr. Yang presents a clear and fascinating explanation of his Qigong theory, and offers a simple Qigong exercise for students to begin experiencing their Qi . This program is a must for Qigong practitioners, acupuncturists, energy healers, and anyone interested in understanding exactly how and why Qigong works. People from around the world have attended this Qigong seminar series at Dr. Yang's schools since the 1980s, with lively discussions between doctors, scientists, and healers, gradually developing into a pioneering global qigong community. If you’ve never attended a Qigong seminar with Dr. Yang, this video lesson is a fun opportunity to experience part one in a six-course series , which has been used as the basis for his YMAA Qigong Instructor certification. • Learn the physiological basis for your energy, or bioelectricity, and understand its healing potential • Develop skills to feel, increase, and ultimately control your energy and revitalize your mind, body and spirit • Understand the epistemology of the word qi, dating back to ancient times, and its true meaning • Learn about the human qi network of energy meridians (rivers) and vessels (reservoirs) • Includes rare insights into deep qigong theory not often discussed with the general public • Understand the bioelectric potential of bodily tissues: bone, tendon, muscle, fascia • 15 Video Lessons / 165 Minutes / 4 hours 24 minutes Titles in this series on UDEMY : Understanding Qigong 1: What is Qigong? / Understanding the Qi Circulatory System Understanding Qigong 2: Keypoints of Qigong / Qigong Breathing Theory Understanding Qigong 3: Qigong Meditation - Embryonic Breathing Understanding Qigong 4: Immune Boost Qigong - Four Seasons Qigong Understanding Qigong 5: Qigong Meditation - Small Circulation Understanding Qigong 6: Martial Arts Qigong Breathing Y.M.A.A. is Yang's Martial Arts Association . This traditional Kung Fu school began in Dr. Yang's home in Boston, and expanded over 50 years to 50 schools in 18 countries. YMAA Publication Center is a pioneer since 1984 of mind/body healing books and videos.
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              The Meridians Exercise was developed inJapan by Sensay Shizutsu Masonaga - THE Zen-Shiatsu Master. I have been teaching Zen-Shiatsu for 25 years in Israel and HAVE developed an easy and powerful ways that takes this method of STRETCHING to the next level of SELF HEALING. By folowing the course, you will receive an INITIATION to go forward with your intention and imagination, It will only take you 5-10 minute  to increase the CHI moving inside your body and you will feel and become  healthier.
                Come learn from Master Clinical Hypnotherapist, Joseph Drumheller. Over 16,000 online students in 147 countries 40+ online courses Conducted 2,000+ private healing sessions 4-time award-winning author Worked 6 years in cancer radiation clinic as a Clinical Hypnotherapist Accreditation - ANWAA (American Natural Wellness Accreditation Alliance) Hello and welcome to Energy Healing Certification Course, Part 1 . This course is the first part in a two-part series, that will take you through an amazing energetic preparation process. As the course progresses, you will actually raise your personal energy vibration to align yourself with, and experience, Universal Healing Energy. This course is laid as an eight-day program and will be presented through video lectures, meditations, contemplations, and meaningful assignments. I'll be taking you through a systematic process to assist you in opening up your energy field, to prepare you to become a top-notch Energy Healer. Topics will include: How to Raise Your Personal Vibration, by activating human virtues. How to Experience Your Own Energy Field by becoming aware of your Chakras and the Kundalini . How to Awaken to The Life Force, which is the energy you will tap into as an Energy Healer. A Personalized Certificate and a Course Ebook , as a reference . Although there are no prerequisites for this course, some experience in meditation will be helpful. However, ideal students will be certified in some form of Holistic profession such as hypnotherapy, yoga, massage, Reiki, acupuncture, naturopathic medicine, psychology, etc. When you open yourself to Energy Healing, you'll be able to slip it right into your existing practice. This course is very near and dear to my heart because I have experienced the miracle of opening up to the Life Force and I use it in all of my healing sessions. I also tap into it personally each day. My hope is that you will learn to do the same. So please join me on this fantastic journey of becoming a Certified Energy Healer. All you have to do is enroll today and join me in class. I'll see you there. What Students are Saying I have had many awakenings in life but this is by far one of the most enlightening. Thank you for offering this experience! Amber Lynn Engracia The course is brilliant so far. It raises energetic vibration positively and shows how to help yourself and others. I am really enjoying it. Deborah Gilbert A very deep inner work. So important to open yourself to the energy field! High-quality course! There are many precious things to learn and Joseph is a wonderful teacher who helps you to express your best. Highly recommended! Romina Vergati This is one of the best (courses) I have ever undertaken. I felt as if I were sitting in a personal classroom session with Joseph and greatly appreciate the personal guidance I have received from him for all my assignments. Thank you so much. Anand Nagaraj Rangaraj I'd give it 50 stars if I could. This is absolutely the best hypnosis training ever. Down to earth, very clear, very precise, easy to follow, easy to retain... Joseph Drumheller, you rock! Carmen Sauciuc I found it life-changing as I have learned a lot while going through this course. It's learning I have never experienced before. Thank you for making this course and making better lives. I am expecting to learn more from real-life experiences, based on your course too. Ivan B Just an amazing and awesome course. Joseph is a brilliant teacher. He is calm and has such knowledge about spirituality, and of course, hypnotherapy and he teaches it all in such a loving and easy way. 5 stars from me. Anna Svendsen I wanted to tell you that I’ve taken a lot of courses…and yours are some of the best I’ve come across…I wanted to tell you personally how much these courses are going to change my life… Lauren Carter
                  ENERGY HEALING is a hidden capability of humanity. It was kept secret as a mystique ability for those high rank priests or top tribe leaders. It can help healing physical or mental illnesses without taking chemical drug or applying any medical device, and has been producing results with millions of evidences all over the world. Even the top medical doctor in US, Dr. Oz, said "Energy healing or energy medicine will be the biggest frontier of medicine in the next decades." Some example of well-known energy healing modalities are Reiki, Chi-Gong, Pranic Healing and Reconnective Healing. However, since this is a widely accessible by people all over the world, so there are dozen of other interesting modalities. Now it is a public accessible knowledge. And accessing the energy and be able the actually feel or sense the energy is the very first step to tap into the secret world of ENERGY HEALING.
                     Hi and welcome to energy healing with flower remedies, this is a great course for students who are looking to use holistic therapy and energy healing methods to maintain their emotional well-being. What Udemy has said about this course (this is for students who are unhappy, complaining and spiteful... and this is the perfect course because flower remedies will restore balance!) Udemy review! Congratulations, your course is now live in the marketplace! Recommended Improvements: We don't have any recommended improvements at this time. Nicely done. Recommended Improvements: We don't have any recommended improvements at this time. Nicely done. Introduction The 38 flower remedies created and developed by Dr Edward Bach The course is delivered in a variety of methods including: Voice over video Power point presentation style Supplementary pdf booklets to support your learning There is no course manual as such as all the information is contained within the recordings and there are supplementary documents. The course is intended for personal learning and information but can be very helpful to anyone who is studying this modality in depth with a view to becoming a practitioner of flower remedies. Udemy certificate of completion available Calm Oasis holistic therapy certificate of completion available 5 weeks after course completion and upon receipt of a copy of your Udemy certificate - we do check students have remained on the course. In brief some of the key areas covered in this course are : Dr Edward Bach; history and philosophy Research outcomes into remedies on stress in emergency personnel Jan De Vries and Alfred Vogel. 38 flower remedies and rescue remedy How remedies are made, stored and used Remedies and the chakras Remedies and astrological signs Remedies and specific conditions Consultation and assessment - in brief Flower remedy work; Deborah shares using the remedies to maintain her own emotional well-being and mental health as a way of helping students see how remedies can be tailor blended for personal use. Receive a Udemy certificate of completion. Course Certification Students will receive a Udemy course certificate of completion., there is also an opportunity to obtain a certificate of completion from ourselves. Additional section: It is some 30 years ago that I your course instructor learned of the tissue salts, I was fascinated with how these micro nutrients were so vitally important for our health.  I felt it would be a great subject to share with students and so tissue salts have been added to this course with the intention of furthering your learning goals and because they offer great health and well-being benefits. Personal note: I have used these gentle remedies to help myself as I have journeyed through the ups and downs of life, and shared this with family and friends.  They have experienced positive outcomes.  However I urge students to be mindful that you are solely responsible for seeking professional medical examination, investigation and treatment or referral to an appropriately qualified person should you require this. Note: this course is for educational and informational purposes only.  This course aims to enable the student to incorporate flower remedies into their well-being practices and support any professional learning.   This course does not qualify students as professional flower remedy practitioners.  This course does not replace health care required by a qualified medical physician.